Suggested Reading
Columbia Benefits' Suggested Reading:
· Dr. Benjamin Carson's Amazing Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast with Obama Present -- "Fiscal irresponsibility is destroying America"
· 'Bad Math' - Plans to reform Retirement Savings incentives not only harmful to low and moderate incomes, but ultimately based on faulty math.
For additional information, see 'Retirement Savings and Tax Expenditure Estimates'
· 'Save my 401k' Campaign Aims to Protect 401(k)'s from Tax Reform
NAPA and ASPPA have launched the Save My 401k campaign to protect the tax incentives of employer-sponsored retirement plans from the threat of tax reform.
· The Path to Prosperity - 1964 Speech by John F. Kennedy
Kennedy insisted that the government must reduce the burden on private income. Increased taxes, he said, remove too much purchasing power and that the government must increase opportunity and private incentives - 'not rush in and spend on relief.'
Kennedy's 3 Tests for Tax Reform
1) Net taxes must be reduced early to be effective.
2) Reform must increase private consumption as well as investment - the same goes for corporate taxes.
3) Reform must improve equity and simplicity of taxation.
· Putting a Face on America's Tax Returns: A Chartbook Click Here